Howdy Curlies!
Greetings from the airport! :) I don’t know why I’m so smiley and chipper, given that my flight was canceled. I was supposed to get into Saskatoon (that’s Canada, y’all-I’m feeling very western today) at 3-something this afternoon and now it’ll be 10-something tonight. Ah well. That’s air travel for ya. I guess the upside is that now I have a few hours to kill and write this blog post about how I manage to deal with getting up super early for flights AND still keep my curls looking good. :)
My flight was supposed to leave at 6:00am, which meant I had to get up at 4am. There’s no way I’m going to have time for any personal care, shower and style my hair at that hour of the morning just to sit on a bunch of planes all day. No way. But I also didn’t want to just wear my hair up in a bun either. What’s a sleep-loving, curl-obsessed Jess to do? Start the curler overnight, that’s what! :)
A few years ago I was doing an event at Honey Fig in Toronto (that’s also Canada, y’all) and Marlene gave me this awesome wrap for curly hair. I wish I could tell you what it’s called but there is no tag sewn into it. Pro-Tip: Google “Satin Sleep Bonnet with Ties”. You can see in the picture below that this one has a bonnet part that goes on your head, and ties that allow you to tie it and secure it behind your neck. I think any satin cap that has decent elastic will suffice for this particular purpose, but boy howdy does it work to preserve those precious curls!
So no matter what time of day you are expected to be up and semi-presentable, don’t be afraid to sleep in curls, just make sure you minimize the work you have to do when you wake up. Makes life just a little easier.