Scalp Microbiome 101

an extreme close up of soap bubbles gathered close and highlighted in yellows, oranges, pinks, and blues
by Chief Educator Claire

Keeping our scalp well-balanced and happy is essential for our curls to flourish, but do you know what your scalp’s microbiome means? Is this just a buzzword in the hair industry right now, or is it something we need to understand? 

Here’s everything you need to know...

What is your scalp microbiome?

Like every other part of the human body, the scalp has a unique microbiome. This refers to the community of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, that naturally live on the scalp. The microbiome is crucial in maintaining healthy hair growth by regulating the scalp's natural balance and immune system function.

What can affect it?

Hygiene practices (such as overwashing or not washing enough), harsh hair products, diet, and stress (high cortisol levels from stress can trigger inflammation on the scalp) can all influence the composition of the scalp microbiome.

Why is a well-balanced scalp important?

A balanced scalp microbiome helps maintain a healthy scalp pH, regulate sebum production, and support hair growth.  This is important because it provides the optimal environment for healthy hair growth by maintaining a proper balance of moisture, oil production, and blood circulation.

How do I know if my scalp microbiome is well-balanced?

Signs of an unbalanced scalp microbiome may include dandruff, itchiness, oily hair, and hair thinning. 

Keys signs of a happy, balanced scalp:

  • No noticeable scalp irritation – no redness, itchiness, or flakiness.
  • Normal oil production - Scalp feels neither excessively oily nor overly dry.
  • Healthy hair growth - Consistent hair growth without excessive shedding.
  • Comfortable scalp - No feelings of tightness or discomfort. 


How can an unbalanced scalp microbiome affect hair?

An unbalanced scalp can impact the appearance and texture of your hair, making it look dull, lifeless, or unkempt. It can also lead to hair loss and thinning.

How to maintain a balanced scalp:

  • Regular washing with suitable shampoo: Choose a shampoo based on your scalp type to cleanse effectively without stripping away natural oils.  Using a scalp massage brush during cleansing helps keep that blood supply healthy and ensures the scalp is properly and thoroughly cleansed. To maintain a healthy scalp environment, be sure to clarify with a clarifying shampoo as and when needed, especially for times when you are experiencing build.
  • Healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals essential for hair health can contribute to a healthy scalp.
  • Scalp massage: Gently massaging your scalp can stimulate blood flow and promote healthy hair growth. Adding an oil into this process can help nourish and provide the scalp with beneficial nutrients. Stimulating Scalp Massage Oil is perfect for this.


*For all medical advice or diagnosis, please consult a professional.

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