Are you new or newish to the curly world? You are in the right place. My name is Claire and I am the Chief Educator at Jessicurl. I want to discuss the beginning moments, when you switch up your hair care routine and begin experimenting with all the ways to take care of & embrace your natural curls.
The first month can often be among the most challenging times on your healthy hair journey and natural hair transitions. You will have questions and come across some bumps along the way. But that's okay! Knowing it gets worse before it gets better means you're not alone, and we’ve all been at this point when we decide it’s time to embrace natural textures. It's all part of our journey and experimenting with what works for you and your curls.
Let's troubleshoot some common issues people can experience when starting out.
My hair looks worse than before, and I want to give up!
There's a good chance you've been accidentally damaging your hair with excessive heat and chemical processes. One way that heat-damaged hair occurs is through a loss of moisture. This can eventually lead to weaker hair that has lost its elasticity and becomes more prone to damage. Once you turn the heat down and ditch the straighteners, the actual condition of your hair is exposed, and unfortunately, there isn't a single wash that can rectify this, but time will! The transition period is different for everyone. Everyone's hair is different and recovers differently. It can be quicker for some than others, but changing how you’ve been caring for your hair for an extended period will be a bit of a shock for both you and your hair! Don’t give up! It will get better!
My scalp/hair still feels greasy after cleansing?
You may not have even given thought about what ingredients your shampoo contained previously, but they probably contained sulfate, which has been stripping your hair of its natural oils. This means your scalp is working harder to produce more oil, so once you switch to a sulfate-free shampoo like one of our Shampoos, it's going to take a while for your scalp to adjust and realize it doesn’t need to work so hard producing more oil. So not only is your hair in transition, but your scalp is too; it's been overproducing and needs to return to normal. This can take anywhere from 6-12 weeks with the right curly hair products.
My hair has never been so hard to detangle!
This is completely normal. Not only is your hair in its rebellious stage, but it is screaming out for moisture and adjusting to new styling products and drying techniques. Your old conditioner may have contained not-so-curl-friendly ingredients, usually formulated with ingredients that leave a film on the hair's surface, making it easy to detangle. Luckily, all Jessicurl conditioners penetrate the hair shaft to condition from within while still providing fantastic slip. When first starting on your hair transition, detangle in sections in the shower with conditioner, lots of water and a wide tooth comb.
My hair feels dry & looks frizzy.
Firstly, frizz is normal! Functional frizz will add dimension and volume, but excess frizz should not outshine your curls and waves. Frizz comes from a lack of moisture, so once the condition of your hair improves, this will naturally decline. The same goes for your scalp. Once the natural sebum production regulates your natural oils, these will eventually work down the hair shaft and smooth and improve an element of unwanted frizz. Finding the perfect amount of products for your hair can also contribute to dryness and frizz. Too much or too little can do both to exaggerate these issues.
The bottom line is you are absolutely in the right place and beginning a journey that your natural curls will thank you for. Starting anything can be daunting, which is why we have worked diligently here at Jessicurl to create a supportive community of our “Curlies” and we are happy to have you as one. Keep checking back on our blogs and social media where we share regular content around tips, products, and introductions to Curlies just like you.