Every Curly knows another Curly who doesn’t embrace their curls. With one reason or another, it’s become so normalized to write off curly hair.
Let’s comb through some of the reasons why some Curlies may brush off their curls — all puns intended.
“It takes too much time!” – I mean this in the nicest way possible – if your naturally curly hair is easier to straighten than it is to maintain, you might just be looking at some deep-fried and dried hair. Is it actually easier to straighten or have you just lost your curl pattern to excessive heat products? Because personally, it takes me at least 2 hours to straighten my hair — just for it to start frizzing and curling at the first sign of sweat. Let's just start rocking curls all day, every day, and remembering we have the right to remain curly!
“Too Many Products.” – Get this, straight hair needs a ton of product, too! Especially if you’re naturally curly and are trying to force your hair to hold a shape it doesn’t usually hold. And, there are no rules saying you have to use every product or follow every step shown to you by the influencers on your feed. The majority of Curlies that I know use a maximum of 3 products, not including shampoo and conditioner — which most of us are using, I hope.
Too Difficult! – This is the one reason I could maybeee understand, if the internet wasn’t literally a how-to hub. Everything you could possibly be searching for — from free samples, community content, tips and advice, new-and-improved methods — is ready to find at your fingertips. And a great place to start is here with us at Jessicurl! We offer 3-Step Starter Bundles – which are 25% OFF for the month of January, by the way – making it as easy as 1-2-3! Just pick a cleanser, conditioner, & styler to build your new dream routine. Not so difficult now, is it?
As we go into 2025, consider embracing the curl in your world! It’s never too late to start your hair journey, and what's a better opportunity than the new year? If you make your new year resolution curly hair care, just wait and see how beautiful your year — and hair — turns out!