Protecting curls while sleeping has many benefits. Many protect their curls at night to extend longevity between wash days; however, even if that’s not your main goal, it’s still a good habit to get into for the health of your hair.
Loose hair rubbing against a pillow can potentially lead to breakage. This is more apparent for curly and wavy hair, as the structure is naturally drier due to the shape of the hair shaft. This doesn’t mean you need an extravagant or long-winded night routine, but just a few simple steps to help your hair stay in optimal health.
To keep curls intact, reduce frizz by reducing friction, and keep your hair from getting messy while you sleep, try sleeping with your hair in a loose bun or in a “pineapple” on top of your head. A Protective style like this can help prevent you from pulling or yanking on your hair strands during sleep, which can contribute to shedding.
This should look like all your curls are sitting in a pile at the top of your head. I recommend using a silk or satin scrunchie to hold them in place, as this provides a gentle hold and causes minimal disruption to your curl pattern.
You could add another layer of protection by adding a bonnet or scarf over the entire head. This can help retain moisture in your hair, which can help with hair growth.
The ultimate game changer for me was a silk or satin pillowcase. Again, this helps reduce frizz by reducing friction, allowing the hair to move effortlessly across the pillow without snagging or tugging at the hair strands while movement occurs.
Your nighttime routine is crucial to maintaining healthy, beautiful curls. Our hair has to endure its fair share of daily environmental stresses like heat, pollution, wind, and rain, especially here in the UK! It pays to invest in these simple rituals and give your curls some TLC each night.
Sweet dreams! Claire x
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