Finding the Right Curl Shampoo

Jessicurl's three Cleansers sitting on a white pedestal above the water
by Jasmin Shirazian

How we treat our hair is important for how we want our hair to treat us. The everyday buildup of oils, hard water, product residue and so many other factors affect our curls in ways we often don’t even have time to think about. That’s why having the right cleanser that fits the shape of your life is so necessary in maintaining not only your curls, but also your scalp!

While different curl patterns, textures and porosities are important, they are not the only things that need to be considered when picking a curl shampoo . Curlies also need to think about their day-to-day lives - do you regularly work out? You may need more moisture if you’re cleansing more often. Are you in an area with lower air quality? You may need to clarify more regularly. Do you use multiple products - and if so, how regularly? Again, you may need to consider how often you clarify. From gentle clarifying to every washday shampooing, Jessicurl has the right cleanser for Curlies with all sorts of different lifestyles. 

Clarifying Shampoo: A clarifying shampoo is a non-negotiable necessity of every Curlies toolbox. While it does not serve as your everyday shampoo, this is the bi-weekly/ monthly reset your curls need. The Jessicurl Clarifying Shampoo is perfect for removing buildup and oils without drying out or damaging the follicle, but still achieves that squeaky-clean sensation we all yearn for. Not only that, but it also improves the effectiveness of your styling routine in the process!

Gentle Lather: Our Gentle Lather shampoo is the perfect starting point if you’re still figuring out all the specifics of your hair or already know you need something without added oils. Lighter weight than our Hair Cleansing Cream , though it can work on all hair types, it is particularly perfect for finer-haired Curlies. This cleanser lives up to its name - gentle on curls, without weighing them down. 

Hair Cleansing Cream: The creamiest cleanser of the trio, Hair Cleansing Cream works to moisturize curls as it cleans them. This means hydration is locked into each strand of hair, making it perfect for our low-porosity Curlies, especially those with more defined curls and coils. This cleanser will leave your curls feeling hydrated but not heavy, and most importantly, clean without stripping natural oils. Even if you don’t have thicker or dryer curls, but live an active lifestyle try swapping your typical washday cleanser for Hair Cleansing Cream for better hydration.

At the end of the day, what we all want to feel is clean and cared for - and our hair wants the same! By picking the perfect cleanser, you can take the first step in showing your hair you care.