tips, Q&A's, interviews, & more!

Our Very Curly Blog

a Jessicurl collage of fellow Curlies, Products, and Jessicurl moments

2024 was a Big Year, Thank You!

by the Jessicurl Team

2024 was a busy year for us Curlies! From community campaigns to international distribution, Jessicurl made... Read more

close up of woman holding a box with a ribbon with logos of charities around the box

Finding the Holiday Spirit

Here at Jessicurl, we know the importance of the season of giving, which is why we are proud to support... Read more

curl haired mother and young daughter laying in bed smiling at each other

How to Style Your Curls at Night, Revamp!

by the Jessicurl TeamWe get a fair amount of hair questions every day and thought this one that Jess answered might be helpful to... Read more

woman in red shirt with brown curly hair smiling, with her hand behind her back, showing off the volume of her hair

Bigger & Better Than Ever: Methods For Increasing Curl Volume

Sometimes you need bigger! Bigger volume in your curls that is. Finding the right methods for increasing volume... Read more

Curly haired woman sitting on a porch in the woods, facing away from the camera, and putting her hair up in a scrunchie

Put Your Hair Up!

by the Jessicurl TeamMany of us have such a complicated relationship with our curls. Loving them but struggling with... Read more

woman with curly hair in a before and after picture highlightine the use of Jessicurl products

HUMIDITY! How To Not Only Survive, But Thrive

Through the stages of each season, it can be hard to know what our curls need – especially when it comes to... Read more

Girl in bedroom with hair strand in front of face making a happy open-mouthed expression

Caring for Fine Curls & Waves

by the Jessicurl Team

Fine-haired curlies and wavies are often forgotten or misled about how to care for their hair, especially... Read more

smiling , blonde, curly haired woman laying on a sandy beach with her head propped up in her hand

Curly Guide to Summer Moisture

by the Jessicurl Team

Summer is here, and you know what that means – beach trips, pool days, and sun-soaked adventures... Read more

photo of back on woman's head divided in half to show one half has no product in the hair, and the other half has product in it

Is It Frizz or Curls?

by the Jessicurl Team

Have you ever wondered why you aren’t getting the healthy, shiny, smooth, and happy results that other straight... Read more

curly haired woman playing with a piece of hair with a graphic of landmarks behind here with the text

Traveling With Curls

by the Jessicurl Team

The days are getting longer and the sun is starting to thaw us from our sweater-laden winter. As our social calendars... Read more

curly haired woman sitting on a porch in the woods putting her hair up with a scrunchie

Tips for Curlies Who Workout

by the Jessicurl Team

Your workout deserves your full attention and you don’t need to worry about your hair getting in the way. While we... Read more

Two curly haired woman sitting at a dinner table, one with their arm around the other

Curly Chronicles: Jordana Estner

by the Jessicurl Team

As our 10 year anniversary approached in 2012, what feels like ages ago now, Jess reflected openly and lovingly... Read more

two hands hold a strand of hair between them to the right of three different images of different porosity hair textures

Porosity. What the heck is it & why does it matter?

by the Jessicurl Team

Your hair is a living organism and has the ability to tell you exactly what it needs to perform at its peak... Read more

three different 8oz Jessicurl conditioners grouped together against a bright pink background with sparkle hearts around the bottles

Best of 2023 & 2024... So Far

by the Jessicurl Team

2023 saw so many more people shouting from the mountain tops, “This is who I am, I love my curls and I don’t care... Read more

woman with brown wavy hair looking off into the distance with a snowy city hazily in the background

Caring for Winter Curls

by the Jessicurl Team

Your curls need you now more than ever so let’s get a little bit sciency and a little bit proactive about fortifying... Read more