suggested by you, tested by our team & chief educator

Curly Tips

Chief Educator Claire showing off her curls at different stages of her Curl Routine to show how to create a cast

Creating a Strong Cast

by Chief Educator Claire

We used to be scared of crunchy curls; the crispy noodle look was not it! However, we’ve come a long way since then... Read more

an extreme close up of soap bubbles gathered close and highlighted in yellows, oranges, pinks, and blues

Scalp Microbiome 101

by Chief Educator Claire

Keeping our scalp well-balanced and happy is essential for our curls to flourish, but do you know what your scalp’s... Read more

curly haired woman in the shower, smiling while holding out a curl

How to Spring Clean Your Hair Routine

by Chief Educator Claire

It may not feel like it yet, but technically, Spring is just around the corner; I cannot wait for lighter nights and warmer... Read More

Curly haired mother and daughter sitting in the sun, smiling and holding each other

Love Your Curls

My Curlaversiary is this month (March), so I wanted to celebrate and share my love for all things curls and offer... Read more

Jessicurl accessories laying in the form of a heart

Why Curls Love Accessories

by Chief Educator Claire

Curly hair loves an accessory because they provide a practical way to manage and style curly hair while protecting our... Read more

pink tinted water background with three heart-shaped cutouts showing curly haired women washing their curls

Water - Curls' Love Language

by Chief Educator Claire

Water is your curls’ love language... learn how to seal it in! H2O is your curls’ love match! Period! Water (H2O) is... Read more

Flaxseeds in a trailing heart formation on a light pink velvety backdrop

Why Curls Love Flaxseed

by Chief Educator Claire

Flaxseed is nature’s protein for hair and has a multitude of benefits. It is a highly nutrient-dense superfood that... Read more

graphic of four different curl patterns and their variations

Why is My Hair Curly?

by Chief Educator Claire

All hair textures are biologically the same but differ in fibre shape and the follicle. Curly hair is born deep in... Read more

Chief Educator Claire smiling at the camera

Curly Reflections

by Chief Educator Claire

As we enter a new year with new ideas, aspirations, and hair goals for some of us, It can also be a time of reflection... Read more

curl haired woman smiling and looking up and over her shoulder

Secret to Long-Lasting Curls

by Chief Educator Claire

If you struggle to get your curls to last past day one, I've got you! Hair spray can sometimes be overlooked... Read more

curly haired woman washing her hair in the shower

Hard Water vs Soft Water

by Chief Educator, Claire

You might be thinking, "What is hard or soft water, and what does it have to do with my hair?" Well, it turns out… Read more

Chief Educator Claire displaying different styling techniques in a collage style background and a before and after image of her in focus

Styling Techniques

by Chief Educator, Claire

Sometimes, you just have to go back to basics! Being mindful of styling can determine your final outcome... Read more

four curly haired women with different curl patterns walking away from the camera

Can Hormones Change Your Hair Type?

by Chief Educator, Claire

In short, YES! It's not our imagination; hormonal changes bring many unwanted changes to our hair... Read more

curly haired woman with her hair in a braid, snuggled on the couch at night

Curly Hair Ritual - A Nighttime Routine

by Chief Educator Claire

Protecting curls while sleeping has many benefits. Many protect their curls at night to extend longevity... Read more

Chief Educator, Claire, in a collage of three photos showing different steps of the Bowl Method, as described in the blog

The Bowl Method

by Chief Educator Claire

This method helps maximize hydration and create defined curl/wave formation by repeatedly submerging the hair after washing... Read More